
Norway Opens World’s Largest Floating Offshore Wind Farm

发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2023-08-29 09:08:22 点击量: 926 来源:euronews

挪威电力巨头Equinor宣布,世界上最大的海上浮动风电场Hywind Tampen已全面投入运营。Hywind Tampen由11台风力涡轮机组成,它们被安装在带有共享系泊系统的浮动混凝土结构上,其水深在260米至300米之间,系统总容量为88兆瓦(MW)。据悉,该风电场将为挪威北海的油气田作业平台提供电力,预计能满足SnorreA和B以及GullfaksA、B和C五个平台每年约35%的电力需求,可减少约20万吨的二氧化碳排放量。在项目开发过程中,受延迟交付、市场价格、汇率效应等的影响,其投资预测从最初的50亿挪威克朗增至74亿挪威克朗。不过,该项目的经济效益可能会因二氧化碳税率及天然气价格的上涨而提高。

Norway is marking the opening of the world’s largest floating offshore wind farm. The Hywind Tampen wind farm consists of 11 wind turbines that are installed on floating concrete spar structures with a shared anchoring system in water depths between 260 and 300 meters, the combined capacity is 88 megawatts (MW). Hywind Tampen will be used to power offshore oil and gas fields in the North Sea, enough to cover about 35% of the electricity needs of five platforms, namely Snorre A and B and Gullfaks A, B and C. It is expected to reduce CO2 emissions with 200,000 tonnes. Over the course of development, the investment forecast for the project has increased to NOK 7.4 billion, from NOK 5 billion initially, due to delayed deliveries, market prices, currency effects and so on. However, the project economy benefits from an expected CO2 tax and gas price increase.