
World’s largest: SAIC Anji’s LNG-fueled car carrier hits the water

发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2023-09-05 10:09:14 点击量: 1044 来源:Offshore Energy

近日,中国江南造船(集团)有限责任公司为上汽安吉物流股份有限公司建造的首艘7600车位液化天然气(LNG)双燃料动力汽车运输船正式下水。该型船设计总长199.9米,型宽38米;拥有13层载货甲板(包含4层活动甲板),配有舱容4000立方米C型双耳液罐,满足19000海里经济航速航行需求。该型船是一款符合国际最新排放规则的新一代超巴拿马型汽车运输船,建成后入级中国船级社(CCS)和挪威船级社(DNV)。值得一提的是,该型船由上海船舶研究设计院研发设计,拥有完全自主知识产权,配备WinGD X-DF主机及iCER系统、LNG围护和供气系统、滚装设备系统。

Jiangnan Shipbuilding, a subsidiary of China State Shipbuilding Corporation, has launched a 7,600 CEU liquefied natural gas (LNG) dual - fuel vehicle carrier being built for SAIC Anji Logistics, a subsidiary of China’s automobile manufacturer SAIC Motor. The vessel features a total length of 199.9 meters, a molded width of 38 meters. With 13 cargo decks including four movable decks, the vessels are also equipped with a C - type double - ear liquid tank with a capacity of 4,000 cubic meters, which meets the needs of 19,000 nautical miles at an economical speed. It is classed by the China Classification Society (CCS) and DNV, complying with international environmental regulations, the ship type represents a new generation of post - Panamax car carriers. This type of ship was developed and designed by Shanghai Ship Research and Design Institute, featuring WinGD X - DF main engine and iCER system, a comprehensive LNG containment and gas supply infrastructure, alongside a state - of - the - art ro - ro equipment system.


bow  n. 船首

美 /baʊ/  英 /baʊ/

“Bow”在中古英语晚期指“船头”,源于荷兰语 boeg,“肩膀或船头”。

bow navigator 船首推进器


stern  n. 船尾

美 /stɝn/  英 /stɜːn/


by the stern 船尾吃水深地
