
Shipping industry faces challenge of securing green fuel supply, DNV says

发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2023-09-12 02:09:41 点击量: 1051 来源:Gcaptain

挪威船级社(DNV)预测,未来海运业的碳中和燃料供应很可能不足,实现新的2030年海事减排目标任重道远。根据DNV的数据,海运业需获得全球碳中和燃料预计供应量的30%至40%,才能在2030年,满足每年1700万吨油当量 (Mtoe)零碳或净零碳燃料的预期需求,但这绝非易事。因此,DNV建议,业界应考虑所有可行的减排措施,包括采用空气润滑系统和风力辅助推进系统等能源增效措施,而不仅仅是局限于替代燃料。此外,DNV还发现,燃料技术转型已经开始,能够将液化天然气、液化石油气或甲醇作为动力的双燃料船舶,其订购吨位占到了总数的一半,而去年只有三分之一。对于已投入运营的船舶,目前有6.5%的吨位可以使用替代燃料,而去年这一比例为5.5%。

The shipping industry will struggle to secure enough supply of carbon-neutral fuels to meet the new 2030 maritime emission targets, according to classification society DNV. But meeting emissions targets won’t be so easy. The maritime sector will require 17 million tonnes of oil equivalent (Mtoe) annually by 2030, representing a staggering 30-40% of the projected worldwide carbon-neutral fuel supply, according to DNV. DNV suggests that the industry should consider all alternative approaches to reducing emissions, including air lubrication systems and wind-assisted propulsion beyond fuels alone. DNV’s report also finds that the fuel technology transition is already underway. Half of the ordered tonnage is capable of using liquefied natural gas (LNG), liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), or methanol in dual-fuel engines, compared to one third of the tonnage on order last year. Looking at the existing fleet, DNV reports that 6.5% of tonnage for ships currently in operation can operate on alternative fuels, up from 5.5% last year.