Laura Maersk is born: Ursula von der Leyen christens world’s 1st green containership
发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2023-09-19 10:09:47 点击量: 1629 来源:Offshore Energy
在丹麦哥本哈根,马士基为其全球首艘甲醇动力集装箱船举办了命名仪式,欧盟委员会主席出席仪式并将船正式命名为“劳拉马士基(Laura Maersk)”号。据悉,这一名字来源于该公司的第一艘蒸汽轮船——“劳拉”号,是船长彼得·马士基·穆勒在1886年,即第二次工业革命时期购买的。“劳拉”轮还首次涂装上了背景为浅蓝色的白色七芒星图案,这一图案后来成为马士基公司的标志。新交付的“Laura Maersk”号由韩国现代尾浦造船建造,入级美国船级社(ABS),是一艘以甲醇为动力的2100 TEU支线集装箱船。船舶的甲醇动力推进装置由曼恩(MAN)能源方案联手现代发动机机械制造公司与现代尾浦造船、马士基合作开发。除了该支线船,马士基还订造了另外24艘9000-17200TEU大型远洋甲醇动力船舶,将在2024年至2027年间陆续交付。
The world’s first containership powered by green methanol has officially been named in Copenhagen, Denmark by the President of the European Commission. The ship was named after the company’s first steamship vessel, Laura, which was bought by Captain Peter Maersk Moller in 1886 during the Industrial Revolution. Laura was also the first vessel bear the white seven-pointed star on a light blue background that later would become the logo of A.P. Moller - Maersk. The cutting-edge 2,100 TEU container vessel, powered by green methanol, and classed by ABS, was built at South Korea’s Hyundai Mipo Dockyard. MAN Energy Solutions and Hyundai Engine and Machinery, in collaboration with Hyundai Mipo and Maersk, developed the methanol propulsion configuration for the vessel. The feeder will be followed by 24 large ocean-going vessels of 9,000-17,200 TEU capacity which are scheduled for delivery in 2024 and 2027.
harbor n. 港口
美 /ˈhɑːrbər/ 英 /ˈhɑːbə(r)/
Pearl Harbor 珍珠港
wharf n. 码头
美 /wɔːrf/ 英 /wɔːf/
Fisherman's Wharf 渔人码头
“wharf、quay、pier、jetty”都可以翻译成“码头”,但它们所指的 “码头” 类型不同。“wharf”和“quay”通常指“装卸货物或供乘客上下船使用的大型码头”;而“pier”和“jetty”多指”用于乘客上下船的、延伸到水面上的突堤码头”。