氢燃料电池开发商TECO 2030推出氢动力油船概念

TECO 2030 Launches Hydrogen-powered Tanker Concept

发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2022-06-21 09:06:35 点击量: 1050 来源:Marinelog

中文简介:总部位于挪威的氢燃料电池开发商TECO 2030与瑞典油船运营商Ektank AB、壳牌公司以及挪威船级社合作推出了Hy-Ekotank氢动力油船设计方案。该方案将为Ektank公司现有油船安装具备压缩氢气/液化氢储罐的燃料电池装置,以实现船舶在港期间的零排放,并最大限度地减少航行中的温室气体排放。


Lysaker headquartered at Norway,The hydrogen fuel cell developer TECO 2030 has partnered with Swedish tanker operator Ektank AB, Shell Shipping and Maritime, and DNV to unveil the Hy-Ekotank concept ship.The concept would see the retrofit installation of fuel cells with compressed or liquid hydrogen storage on existing Ektank vessels. The solution is aimed at eliminating emissions in port and reducing up to 100% of GHG emissions on voyages.

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