
Over $1 million for US micro-sized autonomous underwater vehicles

发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2022-07-01 04:07:44 点击量: 902 来源:Offshore-Energy


总部位于美国罗德岛的Jaia Robotics 公司已筹集超过一百万美元的资金,用于研发微型自主水下机器人(AUV)。据该公司称,该种水下机器人可以将各种海洋和淡水水生环境中的数据传到传感器平台上,从而形成水文领域应用的数据库。同时,该微型自主水下机器人能够形成移动网络,允许部署多台机器人,从而扩大对一个地区的覆盖。


Rhode Island-based Jaia Robotics has raised more than $1 million in seed funding that will be used for its micro-sized autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs). According to the company, the multi-sensor platform provides for the collection of large amounts of data in various ocean and freshwater aquatic environments for multiple applications. The micro-sized AUV is capable of forming mobile networks allowing larger numbers of vehicles to be deployed for greater coverage of an area.

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