
Sailing ship turns ocean plastic pollution into energy

发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2022-07-06 03:07:01 点击量: 980 来源:Marinelog


近日,法国船级社(BV)授予一艘新型帆船原则性认可( Approval in Principle,简称AIP)。该帆船不仅能收集海洋中的塑料垃圾,还能对其进行处理利用。这艘名为Manta的帆船长56m,宽26m,高62m,将配备包括垃圾发电装置在内的船上设施。Manta采用混合可再生能源技术为其提供动力,以减少碳足迹,实现50%-70%的能源自给。此外,它还将承担科学实验室的职责,对海洋塑料污染情况进行监测、分析,并成为一个向公众开放的教育平台。


Classification society Bureau Veritas has awarded its Approval in Principle (AIP) to an innovative sailing vessel designed to not only collect floating ocean plastic pollution waste but to process it. Called the Manta, the 56 meter long, 26 meter wide and 62 meter high sailing ship, will be equipped with an on-board factory including a waste-to-energy conversion unit. The Manta will be powered by a combination of renewable energy technologies to minimize its carbon footprint and achieve 50 to 75% energy autonomy. It will also serve as a scientific laboratory for the observation, analysis and understanding of ocean plastic pollution and as an educational platform open to the public.

Website LinkVIDEO: Sailing ship turns ocean plastic pollution into energy - Marine Log