
Sembcorp Marine hands over 2nd zero-emission battery-powered RoPax to Norled

发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2022-07-12 09:07:15 点击量: 897 来源:Offshore-Energy


新加坡海工巨头胜科海事向挪威公司Norled交付了第2艘电池动力客滚船(RoPaxDragsvik号。该型零排放系列船共订购3艘,由胜科海事子公司LMG Marin设计,能在锂电池的驱动下以10节的航速运行,使用绿色水电为其充电,每艘船可容纳300人和80辆汽车(或最多10辆汽车和10辆拖车的组合)。为了满足Norled公司的运营需求,Dragsvik号还配备了一系列新型的节能设备,包括岸电快速连接装置、自动系泊、自动航行、高效船体、推进及热能回收系统等。


Singapore-based shipbuilder Sembcorp Marine has handed over the second of three identical battery-operated roll-on/roll-off passenger (RoPax) ferries to Norwegian ferry operator Norled AS. Built based on the proprietary design of Sembcorp Marine’s wholly-owned subsidiary, LMG Marin AS, the zero-emission vessel will be capable of operating at a service speed of 10 knots, has a capacity to carry 300 persons and 80 cars or a combination of up to 10 cars and 10 trailer trucks, powered by lithium-ion batteries which are charged using green hydro-electric power. Optimised to meet Norled’s operational requirements, the ferry named Dragsvik is equipped with energy-efficient features including quick-connection shore charging plugs, auto-mooring and auto-cross capabilities, efficient hull, propulsion and heat recovery systems. 

Website Link:

Sembcorp Marine hands over 2nd zero-emission battery-powered RoPax to Norled - Offshore Energy (offshore-energy.biz)