
Maersk Tankers launches digital solution to help ships track their emissions

发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2022-07-12 02:07:29 点击量: 967 来源:Maersk tankers


马士基油船公司推出新的数字解决方案,以帮助船东达到所需的碳排放标准。自2023 1 1日起,国际海事组织将根据排放情况对船舶进行年度能效分级。该方案可以跟踪和报告船舶排放情况,船东和管理人员可以利用这些数据,采取措施改善船舶的运营,如调整航线或航速等。


Danish tanker shipping firm Maersk Tankers, together with shipowners in its pools, has launched a new digital solution to help owners meet the required marine emissions standards. Because the International Maritime Organization’s Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) aims to cut greenhouse gas emissions for vessels already on the water, shipowners are required to track and report vessel emissions, from 1 January 2023. To help shipowners meet these requirements, Maersk Tankers has developed and launched a digital solution that will keep track of vessel emissions. In turn, harnessing the data, shipowners and managers can take measures to improve vessels’ operation such as adjusting their route or speed.

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