
PIL signs up for additional dual-fuel ammonia-ready boxships

发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2022-07-12 02:07:08 点击量: 971 来源:Offshore-Energy


新加坡太平船务(PIL)订购了48000 TEU液化天然气双燃料集装箱船。该系列船将配备双燃料发动机,可以使用液化天然气或低硫燃油,同时还设计有氨燃料预留(ammonia-ready)燃料舱,便于未来对船舶进行氨燃料动力的改装。液化天然气作为具有商用价值的过渡燃料解决方案,有助于实现2050年净零碳排放的脱碳目标。


Seeing liquefied natural gas (LNG) as a commercially viable fuel solution, Singapore-based shipping company Pacific International Lines (PIL) has placed an order for four 8,000 TEU LNG dual-fuel container vessels. The vessels will be equipped with dual-fuel engines and auxiliaries which can run on both LNG or low sulphur fuel oil. LNG as a commercially viable transition fuel solution and the new vessels, which will once again be LNG dual-fuel and ammonia ready. It will contribute to achieving the decarbonisation goal of attaining net-zero carbon emission by 2050. 

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