Blue Visby联盟优化到港时间,减少船舶排放

New Platform Will Tackle “Sail Fast, then Wait” Phenomenon to Cut Shipping Emissions

发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2022-07-20 10:07:16 点击量: 907 来源:Offshore-Energy


十三家业内公司建立Blue Visby联盟,旨在通过共建合作平台,消除因船舶到港等待产生的浪费。通过收集目标船舶的性能特性、目的港拥堵情况、天气条件等参数,Blue Visby运用算法为每艘船规划最佳的到港时间。根据历史航行数据,技术提供商NAPA预计,在满足现有商船运营参数的前提下,运用Blue Visby平台技术,87%的航次可以通过降低1节的平均航速来缩短到港等待时间,从而减少16%的排放。


Thirteen members have launched the Blue Visby Consortium which is aimed at helping the shipping industry eliminate the wasteful practice of Sail Fast, then Wait (SFTW) through a collaborative platform. Taking into consideration parameters such as the performance and characteristics of each vessel, port congestion at destination, and weather conditions, the Blue Visby algorithm provides an optimal target arrival time for each vessel. Based on historical voyaged date, NAPA estimates that Blue Visby will enable vessels to reduce their speed by about 1 knot on average, which is well within the operational parameters of the existing commercial fleet. Speed could be reduced on 87% of the voyages, leading to shorter idle times and an average emissions savings potential of 16%.

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