
KR, KLCSM and SHI Team up on Autonomous Navigation Systems for Ships

发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2022-07-20 10:07:12 点击量: 1692 来源:Offshore-Energy




Classification society Korean Register (KR) has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with ship management company Korea Leading Company of Ship Management (KLCSM) and shipbuilder Samsung Heavy Industries (SHI) for joint research and commercialization of autonomous navigation systems for mid- to large-sized vessels.

The announcement comes as an increasing number of shipowners integrate artificial intelligence (AI), Internet of Things, Big Data and sensor systems into their vessels in order to assist vessel crews. The autonomous navigation systems are conducive to to improve vessel safety and promote the environment of ship operations amid a current shortage of sailors. With this latest joint cooperation, more autonomous navigation systems will be successfully applied to ships, which will further increase the efficiency of ship management.

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