2022 年欧洲国际人力潜水艇竞赛圆满收官!
Winners of the 2022 International Human Powered Submarine Competition for Europe!
发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2022-07-25 02:07:35 点击量: 1696 来源:IMarEST
由 QinetiQ 主办的 IMarEST欧洲国际潜水艇比赛 (eISR)见证了来自英国南安普敦大学和华威大学以及美国、加拿大、德国和台湾的学生队伍相互竞争。
来自加拿大蒙特利尔的 École de Technologie Supérieure 获得了 BMT 创新奖,Rhein-Waal 也获得了 UKNEST 敏捷奖。
The IMarEST's European International Submarine Races (eISR), hosted by QinetiQ, saw saw teams of students from the Universities of Southampton and Warwick in the UK, and from the US, Canada, Germany and Taiwan competing against each other.
This year's overall winner was Rhein-Waal University of Applied Sciences, Germany, and the runner-up was the University of Michigan, US.
The École de Technologie Supérieure from Montreal, Canada, won the BMT Award for Innovation, and Rhein-Waal also took home the UKNEST Agility Award.
Over two weeks, the teams design, build and race their underwater vehicles using pedal power to propel them as they navigate the challenging underwater slalom course. To win the competition, teams must demonstrate creativity and comprehensively document their work with the aim of achieving sporting prowess. Points are awarded for speed, manoeuvrability, reliability, endurance and perseverance. Especially important in the scoring is the team's ability to rise to the unexpected challenges of the underwater environment.
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