Synergy Marine与美国公司共同开发新型船用电池

Synergy Marine, Alsym Energy Jointly Developing Non-flammable Rechargeable Batteries for Ships

发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2022-07-27 09:07:52 点击量: 1346 来源:Business Wire

新加坡船舶管理公司Synergy Marine和美国充电电池开发商Alsym Energy合作,为船舶开发低成本、不易燃的船用充电电池。这些新型电池每年将为船舶提供1GW的电能,满足其进出港及停泊期间的能源需求,并支持船舶在海上航行时的调峰应用。使用不易燃的充电电池能够降低船员、货物的安全风险,同时起到节约船队保险成本的作用。

Singapore-based ship manager Synergy Marine and the US developer of next-generation rechargeable batteries Alsym Energy have teamed up to develop low-cost, non-flammable rechargeable batteries for shipping vessels. Alsym will provide 1 GW of batteries which may be used to propel cargo ships and tankers as they enter and leave port, power berthed ships, and support peak shaving applications at sea.These batteries can help reduce risks to crew and cargo, as well as lower insurance costs for fleet managers and shippers, the company claims. 

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