
Singapore maritime technology centre opens new ocean basin facility

发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2022-08-05 09:08:58 点击量: 1392 来源:TCOMS


Singapore’s first ocean basin facility has opened at the Technology Centre for Offshore and Marine, Singapore (TCOMS). The ocean basin, opened on 26 July, allows for simulations of real-world operating environments in deep, intermediate, and shallow waters. The water depth of 50 meters in the centre pit is currently one of the deepest in the world, allowing simulations of operating environments in ultra-deepwater. Located in NUS, the next-generation ocean basin facility is equipped with wave and current generation systems, a towing carriage and a movable floor to simulate challenging ocean environments that offshore platforms, ships and underwater systems operate in. This capability allows the facility to co-create, stress test and validate solutions as well as novel concepts of future ocean systems and infrastructure, with industry partner. 

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