
PIL adopts Hazcheck Detect to combat mis-declared cargoes

发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2022-08-05 09:08:40 点击量: 932 来源:SeatradeMaritimeNews

新加坡太平船务(PIL)启用货物筛查软件Hazcheck Detect,旨在根除错误申报危险货物的现象。Hazcheck Detect能够通过筛查货物预订详细信息中的关键字,结合行业数据库,识别潜在的错误申请和未申请的危险品订单。未来,随着Hazcheck Detect用户的增加和行业数据库的不断完善,集装箱航线的运营也将更加安全。

Singapore’s Pacific International Lines (PIL) is adopting the Hazcheck Detect cargo screening tool in an effort to root out mis-declared dangerous cargoes. Hazcheck Detect screens cargo booking details for keywords and includes an industry library to enable suspicious bookings to be identified that may be mis-declared or undeclared dangerous goods, aiming to avoiding vessels fires. In the future, as more shipping lines are increasingly turning to software solutions , it can make further improvements like adding additional rules to the tool’s industry rules library from which all container lines can benefit.

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