
DP World Southampton completes TOS upgrade

发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2022-08-05 10:08:31 点击量: 1595 来源:DP World Southampton

迪拜环球港务集团已完成对旗下英国南安普顿港TOS系统的技术升级,升级后的CARGOES TOS+系统可优化港口、码头设施处理货物和集装箱的效率,它的高精度仿真建模能力能够实现对港口运行和规划结果的预估,并在生产环境发生变化之前进行微调。该系统还具有铁路调车截止日期的处理和码头起重机的动态分区等功能。随着这些功能的逐步启用,南安普顿港的港口生产力将得到进一步提升。

DP World has completed the implementation of the CARGOES TOS+ Terminal Operating System (TOS) at DP World Southampton UK. The CARGOES TOS+ solution is designed to optimize operations for efficient cargo and container handling at port and terminal facilities. Among the host of new features now available to DP World Southampton with CARGOES TOS+ is a highly accurate simulation modeling capability, where terminal operations and the results of planning can be seen in advance and fine-tuned before changes are made in the production environment. Other new features include deadline handling for rail yard moves and dynamic zoning of quay cranes. This allows improved planning of discharge operations and empty container selection, to minimize travel distance and congestion. Additional features of the CARGOES TOS+ platform will be enabled at DP World Southampton over time to bring further productivity gains to the port.

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