
MSC and Eastern Pacific are Launching New fuel Trials

发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2022-08-10 09:08:35 点击量: 893 来源:THEMARITIMEEXECUTIVE

拥有最大集装箱船队的MSC正在进行新船用燃料测试。在此前的一项演示中,他们使用了替代燃料公司Quadrise fuels International(QFI)使用混合技术开发的燃料。近日,QFI开发了一种增强型乳化合成重油——多相超细雾化残渣(MSAR),声称它含有约30%的水和不到1%的化学物质,可通过添加40%的可再生甘油,减少25%以上的二氧化碳排放。根据塞浦路斯MSC船舶管理公司与Quadrise签署的新协议,他们将继续对这些燃料进行概念验证和运营试验。假设成功,MSC将对接发动机制造商,与Quadrise合作为其供应商业燃料。

MSC, which has the largest containership fleet, is embarking on new tests for fuels as the shipping industry continues. Among their efforts was a previous demonstration of fuels developed using a blending technology from Quadrise Fuels International (QFI) . Recently, Quadrise has developed an enhanced emulsified synthetic heavy fuel oil that it calls MSAR (Multiphase Superfine Atomised Residue) which it says contains approximately 30 percent water and less than 1 percent chemicals. They report that by adding 40 percent renewable glycerine they achieve over a 25 percent reduction in carbon dioxide emissions. Under a new agreement between Quadrise and MSC Shipmanagement Limited of Cyprus, the in-house management company for MSC’s containership fleet, they will proceed with proof-of-concept tests and subsequent operational trials. Assuming success, MSC will seek approval from the engine manufacturers and working with Quadrise will develop a commercial supply of the fuel for its fleet.

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