
BV and HK-Based Ship Owner Wah Kwong Studying Carbon Capture at Sea

发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2022-08-10 10:08:14 点击量: 1147 来源:maritime-executive

法国船级社(BV)与香港华光海运(Wah Kwong)、中国船舶集团第七一一研究所旗下的上海齐耀环保科技有限公司签署合作协议,开展船上碳捕集与储存技术应用的可行性研究。据悉,齐耀环保研发的碳捕集技术已完成了实验室测试,碳捕集率超85%。本次研究将聚焦华光船队现役的两类散货船,基于船舶最初的设计参数及方案,齐耀环保将为其定制碳捕集与储存装置,BV将依据现有法规和规范对设计图纸进行合规性审查,以确保船舶及设备的安全,并有效降低船舶运行过程中的碳排放指标。

French class society Bureau Veritas reports that it’s working with Hong Kong based shipping company Wah Kwong and Shanghai Qiyao Environmental Technology Co., to study the feasibility of carbon capture aboard ships. It reports that Qiyao Environmental Technology has developed a technology for CCS that has completed laboratory testing, achieving a total carbon capture rate of over 85 percent. The study will focus on two types of bulk carriers in operation in the Wah Kwong fleet. Based on the specific design parameters of the vessels, Qiyao Environmental Technology has developed a customized design of CCS units for Wah Kwong and submitted relevant drawings. Subsequent research work will be conducted for oil tankers. BV reviewed the plans according to existing regulations and rules to ensure the safety of the vessels and equipment, and that the carbon emission reduction targets are effectively achieved during the operation of the vessels.

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