
Green hydrogen plant at Felixstowe port on the cards

发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2022-08-18 08:08:20 点击量: 1004 来源:Splash

西班牙公用事业巨头Iberdrola旗下的苏格兰电力公司与香港港口运营商和记港口集团合作,计划在英国最大、最繁忙的集装箱港口——费利克斯托港开发、建设并运营一座百兆瓦级的绿氢制造厂。该项目可以为航运业和航空业提供清洁燃料,还能为绿氨和电制甲醇的生产输送原料。当地议会议员Therese Coffey博士对在费利克斯托港建设大型氢能枢纽的计划表示欢迎:“像这样的计划,以及来自行业和政府的投资,对于我们到2050年实现净零排放至关重要。”

Scottish Power, part of Spanish utilities giant Iberdrola, together with Hong Kong operator Hutchison Ports, is looking to develop, build and operate a multi-hundred MW green hydrogen production plant at the Port of Felixstowe, the UK’s largest and busiest container port. The project could provide clean fuels for shipping and aviation as well as the material for the production of green ammonia or e-methanol. Dr Therese Coffey MP, local Member of Parliament , welcomed the plans to explore opportunities for a large-scale hydrogen hub at Felixstowe. “It’s schemes like this – and investment from industry as well as government – which is crucial for us to reach net zero by 2050” she said.

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