
Prominent Shipping Companies Establish Maritime And Ocean Digital Engineering Cooperation Program At The University Of Tokyo

发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2022-08-18 09:08:24 点击量: 849 来源:portnews


NYK Group company MTI Co., Ltd., Japan Marine United Corporation, and other six corporations, have come together to establish the “Maritime and Ocean Digital Engineering”(MODE) cooperation program at the University of Tokyo from October 1. The program aims to promote and enhance digital engineering technology and skills for the maritime sector by building a cooperative simulation platform.Aiming to address problems that Japan's maritime industry is facing, two methods are used in MODE, model-based development(MBD) and model-based systems engineering(MBSE). By examining the functions of products and components as computer models, and then checking their behaviors through simulations, MBD and MBSE will produce a marked effect. They enable not only optimization of complex system designs, but also the creation of a collaborative development process involving a wide range of stakeholders, including shippers and operators.

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