
New laws to restrict the way ships release ballast water into UK seas

发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2022-08-24 10:08:18 点击量: 1522 来源:hellenicshippingnews


The Merchant Shipping (Control and Management of Ships’ Ballast Water and Sediments) Regulations 2022 introduces legislation into UK law controlling the discharge of ships’ ballast water into UK waters, having come into force now. The new legislation, put forward by the Maritime & Coastguard Agency (MCA), is based on the international Ballast Water Management Convention which was negotiated at the International Maritime Organization. By introducing the Ballast Water Management Convention into UK law, the UK coastline will be protected from the ballast water by ships entering the UK after travelling internationally, which contains harmful aquatic species and pathogens. It aims to take precaution against the risk of exotic species invasion and safeguard the safety of ecosystem.

Ballast n.(船中保持平衡的)压舱物

美/ˈbæləst/ 英/'bæləst/ 

Ballast Water n.压舱水


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