
6 new methanol-fueled box ships will have Alfa Laval fuel supply systems

发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2022-08-24 10:08:26 点击量: 1593 来源:Marinelog

X-Press Feeders集团成员企业Eastaway与宁波新乐造船集团和新大洋造船签订了6艘1,170TEU甲醇双燃料集装箱船建造合同。该系列船将配备由阿法拉伐(Alfa Laval)公司提供的甲醇供应模块——低闪点燃料供应系统(LFSS)。LFSS可以在发动机制造商指定的流量、压力、温度和过滤参数范围内安全地供应甲醇。阿法拉伐公司凭借其成熟的技术、可靠的自动化以及出众的灵活性获得了船东和船厂的青睐。自2015年以来,已有10多家大型航运公司的近20个甲醇项目选用该系统。

The ships have been ordered by Eastaway, a member of the X-Press Feeders Group, at Chinese shipyards Ningbo Xinle Shipbuilding Group Co., Ltd and New Dayang Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. As methanol technology is still new to shipbuilders, given the complexity of the Eastaway project, the yards have hired engineering companies to procure and integrate the methanol-related components. With mature technologies, reliable automation and adapit the flexibility of any engine and vessel design, the Alfa Laval system chosen by the shipyard. A key technology in six methanol dual-fuel 1,170 TEU containership newbuilds will be the Alfa Laval FCM methanol (fuel conditioning module, methanol) low-flashpoint fuel supply system (LFSS). The Alfa Laval system safely supplies methanol within the flow rate, pressure, temperature, and filtration parameters specified by the engine maker. Since 2015, the system has been chosen in nearly 20 methanol projects for more than 10 large shipping companies.

Flashpoint n.闪点 

英 /ˈflæʃpɔɪnt/ 美 /ˈflæʃpɔɪnt/


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