
Maritime industry to spend $931 mln on AI solutions in 2022

发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2022-08-24 10:08:57 点击量: 1043 来源:Offshore-Energy


The maritime industry is forecast to spend $931 million on artificial intelligence (AI) solutions in 2022, according to a recent report published by Lloyd’s Register in cooperation with Thetius. There is a wide range of AI use cases in the maritime industry, including support of autonomous navigation, voyage optimization, as well as systems for supporting maintenance and monitoring of vessels. Also, AI models can be used to manage environmental factors like hull fouling. Hull fouling is the biggest preventable cause of excess fuel consumption and controllable GHG emissions in the worldwide shipping fleet. The AI technology creates a condition-based cleaning regime which optimizes hull cleaning schedules to prevent over cleaning and damage to coatings, or under cleaning creating excess resistance. Optimum cleaning regimes ultimately cut costs and reduce emissions.

Hull n.船体 

美 /hʌl/ 英 /hʌl/ 


Fouling n. (水管、枪筒等中的)污垢 

美 /faʊl/ 英 /faʊl/

Hull Fouling 船舶污底





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