
IMO conducts needs assessment on Malawi maritime sector

发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2022-08-30 03:08:55 点击量: 921 来源:IMO


IMO has conducted a needs assessment mission to Malawi to assess and support the country's maritime sector. The visit followed a request by the Malawian government for IMO to assist the country's fledgling maritime sector with the necessary human and institutional capacity building to support the country in enhancing the operational efficiency of its maritime administration. Malawi is a landlocked country in southeastern Africa with no direct access to the sea but linked through land and rail corridors to Dar Es Salaam Port in the United Republic of Tanzania and Nacala Corridor in Mozambique. However, Malawi has a navigable Lake Malawi stretching some 570 kilometers from the North to the South and some rivers on which both cargo and passenger vessels travel. 

Landlocked adj.内陆的

英 [ˈlændlɒkt] 美 [ˈlændlɑːkt]

Landlocked Country P.n. 内陆国


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