
Korean top 3 shipbuilder holds conference about research development

发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2022-09-06 03:09:16 点击量: 1045 来源:산업통상자원부


    Trade, Industry and Energy Minister Lee Chang-yang held a conference with the CEOs of top three domestic shipbuilders on August 19 to discuss key issues and future goals for Korea’s shipyard. The three shipbuilders represented at the conference are Korea Shipbuilding & Offshore Engineering (KSOE), Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering (DSME) and Samsung Heavy Industries (SHI). Minister Lee relayed that preemptive and proactive investments are important for South Korea’s maintaining of its super-gap in shipyard competitiveness, stating that the Government will concentrate on three main areas: personnel, technology and ecosystem. This year, the three companies have poured KRW 234 billion into developing ammonia-fueled carriers, carbon capture and sequestration devices, smart ship data platforms zero carbon and digital transformation technologies. Future investments will continue to expand, soon covering areas like smart yard and eco-friendly facilities. 

Smart Yard P.n. 智慧工厂
