
Inmarsat: Rise in maritime data usage as shipping seeks increased connectivity

发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2022-09-06 05:09:51 点击量: 893 来源:Safety4sea

    移动卫星通信服务供应商Inmarsat的最新研究显示,自2019年以来,商用船舶的数据使用量增长了3倍以上,这表明航运业越来越多地依赖数字网络来提高运营效率和船员福利。对船舶运营商的数据使用情况分析显示,集装箱航运公司对数据的需求最高,2022年6月同比增长了1倍多,达到108%。同一时期,油轮运营商的海事数据使用量增长了70%,散货船增长了47%。Inmarsat Maritime总裁Palmer表示:“海事数据的使用量是衡量航运业经济活动和国际贸易的重要指标。越来越多的航运公司正在升级他们的卫星通信服务,并采用航线规划、船岸宽带数据传输等新技术,最大限度地提高燃料效率。”

    Data usage on commercial maritime vessels has jumped more than threefold since 2019, according to new communications analysis by Inmarsat, that underlines the shipping industry’s reliance on digital connectivity to enhance operating efficiency and crew welfare.Analysis of data usage by vessel operators shows year-on-year demand for data was highest among container shipping companies, more than doubling (108%) in June 2022 compared to June 2021, while use of connectivity increased by 70% among oil tanker operators and by 47% on bulk carriers over the same period. Palmer, President of Inmarsat Maritime, said:”Maritime data usage is a leading indicator of economic activity and international trade in the shipping industry. More and more shipping companies are upgrading their satellite communications services and adopting new technologies for applications including route-planning, ship-to-shore broadband data transfers and to maximise fuel efficiency.”

Bulk n. 大体积,大量 

英 /bʌlk/ 美 /bʌlk/ 


Carrier n. 运输工具 

美 /'kærɪə/ 英 /'kærɪə/ 


Bulk Carrier P.n. 散货船
