
CSM agrees exclusive crew training deal with Nautilus Pacific Maritime Training in Manila

发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2022-09-06 05:09:47 点击量: 1220 来源:tradewindsnews

    哥伦比亚船舶管理公司(CSM)与位于马尼拉的Nautilus Pacific海事培训中心签订协议,后者将成为CSM在菲律宾的独家海员培训机构。CSM可以利用先进的模拟器、全息成像和在线会议等技术,为海员提供最高质量的线上、线下培训。Nautilus Pacific海事培训中心拥有多种机械设备,包括多台瓦锡兰主机模拟器、液货装卸模拟器、多台ECDIS模拟器以及菲律宾首台新型救生艇模拟器。该中心还建有专用的化学品船舱壁测试的培训车间,并计划升级其电子电气车间以及引进起重机操作培训。

    Columbia Shipmanagement has underlined its commitment to top level training of its crew by signing an agreement with the Nautilus Pacific Maritime Training Centre in Manila to be the exclusive training centre for its seafarers in the Philippines. CSM can tap into state-of-the-art simulators, holograms and webinar technology to bring together the highest quality in-person and online seafarer training. The centre has kinds of mechanical devices, including an number of Wärtsilä simulators, a simulator for liquid cargo handling, multiple ECDIS simulators as well as a new rescue boat simulator, which is the first of its kind in The Philippines. It has also built a dedicated Chemical Tanker workshop and wall wash test training and there are plans to upgrade its electrical and electronic workshops and to introduce crane handling training.

ECDIS(Electronic Chart Display and Information System) P.n. 电子海图显示与信息系统
