
World’s first type-approved methanol-powered fuel cell system

发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2022-09-20 04:09:56 点击量: 1018 来源:RINA

    德国科德宝集团(Freudenberg e-Power Systems)开发出一种将甲醇应用于海运的新技术。该技术将高效燃料重整技术与长寿命PEM燃料电池相结合,组成一个模块化、可拓展的系统单元,通过蒸汽重整产生氢气,然后与燃料电池中的氧气发生反应,从而产生船舶推进系统和其他船上设备运行所需的电能。该系统可以达到更高的能量密度,提高燃料电池在远洋航行中的经济性与实用性。此外,与传统的燃油驱动技术不同,科德宝甲醇动力燃料电池系统不会释放任何有害的氮氧化物。这一创新的系统架构的安全概念已获得获得意大利船级社(RINA)的型式认证,这也证明了该系统的安全性和合规性。

    Freudenberg e-Power Systems has developed an innovative approach to using methanol for marine applications. This combines highly efficient fuel reforming technology with a long-life PEM fuel cell in a modular, scalable system unit. It generates hydrogen via steam reforming, which then reacts with oxygen from the air in the fuel cell to produce the electrical energy needed for both propulsion and the ship’s electrical system. This system will achieve a significantly higher energy density and make fuel cells economically and practically viable for ocean-going shipping. In addition, unlike drives with combustion technology, Freudenberg’s methanol-powered fuel cell system does not emit any harmful nitrogen oxides. The safety concept of this innovative system architecture has now received Type Approval from the classification society RINA. This confirms the safety of the system and its conformity with maritime standards and regulations.

Energy n. 能源,能量 

美 /ˈenərdʒi/ 英 /ˈenədʒi/


Density n. 密度 

美 /'densəti/ 英 /'densɪtɪ/


Energy Density P.n. 能量密度
