
Port NOLA Louisiana International Terminal to be equipped with shore power

发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2022-11-08 08:11:06 点击量: 836 来源:porttechnology

    新奥尔良港(Port NOLA)公布了路易斯安那国际码头的项目进展,其中包括可持续性投资和新码头的设计。新码头计划于2025年开始建设,首个泊位将于2028年开放。路易斯安那国际码头还计划配备岸电系统,为靠港船舶提供岸电连接,以代替船上柴油机供电,可消除船舶靠港期间98%的排放,极大减少码头的碳足迹。运营商还将投资建设由电力驱动的码头设备。为此,新奥尔良港正与当地的综合能源公司Entergy Louisiana合作开发变电设施,以满足码头的电力需求。

    The Port of New Orleans (Port NOLA) has announced progress on the Louisiana International Terminal including investments in sustainability and a new terminal design, with construction slated to begin in 2025 and the first berth to open in 2028. The Louisiana International Terminal will be equipped with shore power, allowing vessels to connect to onshore electricity and to turn off diesel engines while at dock. Shore power can eliminate up to 98 per cent of ship-related emissions, vastly reducing the environmental footprint of a maritime terminal. Operators will also be investing in a largely electric fleet of equipment. Port NOLA is working with Entergy Louisiana to develop an onsite substation to provide the electricity needs for the terminal.

substation n. 变电所,变电站 

美 /'sʌb'steʃən/ 英 /'sʌbsteɪʃ(ə)n/

