
Research and development of ‘Safe Berthing/Unberthing Assist System’

发布者:knowmi 发布时间: 2023-01-17 09:01:15 点击量: 782 来源:Fathom World

        日本川崎汽船(“K” LINE)宣布将与其子公司川崎近海汽船(“K” LINE KINKAI)以及川崎重工(KHI)合作研发安全离靠泊辅助系统,以提高船舶操纵、离靠泊与港口系泊作业的安全性及效率。为进一步提高安全性,该系统结合了包括人工智能在内的最新技术。它将成为世界首个为船舶靠离港操作提供综合支持的系统,涵盖了在港操纵、离靠泊以及缆绳监测在内的系泊作业等方面。川崎汽船计划在川崎近海汽船运营的国内船舶上对该系统进行测试,并将于2025年春季正式建成。

        Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. (“K” LINE), Kawasaki Kinkai Kisen, Ltd. (“K” LINE KINKAI), and Kawasaki Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. (KHI) have agreed to carry out the research and development of the “Safe Berthing/Unberthing Assist System” to enhance safety and efficiency of vessel maneuvering, berthing/unberthing, and mooring operations in ports. For further improvement of safety, this system incorporates the latest technologies, including AI. It will be the first system in the world that provides integrated support for all necessary operations from maneuvering in port, berthing/unberthing, mooring including mooring line monitoring. They will install the system on domestic vessels operated by “K” LINE KINKAI as a testing ground for this research and development and establish this system by spring 2025.

moor v. (使)系泊 

美 /mʊr/  英 /mɔ:(r)/

mooring line P.n. 系泊缆绳
