
Cruise Ship’s Grounding Highlights Risk of More Ships in the Arctic

发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2023-09-19 09:09:01 点击量: 542 来源:Gcaptain

9月11日,一艘名为“海洋探险家”号的豪华邮轮在格陵兰岛附近海域搁浅。尽管该邮轮最终成功脱困,没有发生漏油和船体损伤,也没有造成人员伤亡,但在北极偏远海域发生的这起船舶搁浅事故仍然是对潜在海上灾难的一次警示。该事故表明,近年来随着北极地区海上交通量的增加,该地区发生海上安全和污染事故的风险也随之增大。2021年发布的一份关于北极海洋灾害的报告显示,2005年至2017年,北纬58度以北地区(包括北极和一些亚北极地区)的海洋灾害事故增加了42%。格陵兰商业、贸易和外交部长Vivian Motzfeldt在接受媒体采访时表示:“目前的情况清楚地表明,我们必须努力确保从下一个邮轮季开始有严格、明确的法律要求”。

The grounding of a luxury cruise ship off the coast of Greenland on Monday. In the case of the Ocean Explorer, no oil appears to have leaked and the ship was freed with no apparent damage to the hull, and no injuries. Still, it’s a cautionary tale about the potential for disaster in what is still one of the most remote places on Earth. The incident underscores the recent growth of marine traffic in the region, a trend that raises the risk of accidents and pollution in hard-to-reach places. A 2021 report on Arctic marine disasters showed a 42% increase in accidents between 2005 and 2017 north of 58 degrees latitude, which encompasses the Arctic as well as some sub-arctic territory. “The current situation clearly shows that we must and need to work to ensure there are strict, clear and unambiguous legal requirements” starting from the next cruise season, Vivian Motzfeldt, Greenland’s minister for business, trade and foreign affairs, told the media.