
K Line to Deploy Airseas Kites on Five Vessels

发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2022-07-27 10:07:32 点击量: 841 来源:Airseas


The Airseas Seawing is a wind propulsion technology, essentially an advanced kite that flies 300 metres above sea level, using the pull of the wind to propel the vessel. By reducing engine loads, Seawing systems aim to improve fuel efficiency and cut emissions by 20%. Its Seawings system can be deployed, operated and stored at the touch of a button, requiring minimal crew input. Wind propulsion systems like the Seawing help lay the long-term foundations for the sustainable shipping of the future by reducing emissions right now, in addition to delivering a strong return on investment in the short term via fuel savings.”

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