课程共1节 课程时长:7分钟 作者:Cruisedaily 已有 1390 人参加



The Crazy Process of Building The World's Largest Cruise Ships


        邮轮已经变得非常巨大,并且建造速度也不断加快。今天 ,我们将看看迷人的邮轮(包括世界上最大的邮轮)的建造方式,以及她们们是如何在不到一年的时间里面建成的。


        Cruise ships have become massive, yet constructing them can take as little as 11 months! Today, we will look at the fascinating way cruise ships (including the world's largest vessels) are constructed and how they can be built in less than a year. The construction process of cruise ships is multi-layered and involves many entities working together to make the cruising experience possible for passengers. From the steel cutting ceremony, to keel laying or coin laying, to float out, sea trials, and the naming ceremony we will cover all events that make sailing mega cruise ships possible.


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