

国际海事组织(IMO)自 1973 年 11 月 2 日通过 MARPOL公约以来的 50 年里,航运业发生了很大变化,如今,MARPOL公约涵盖了石油对海洋的污染、散装有毒液体物质、包装形式的有害物质、船舶污水和船舶垃圾、船舶空气污染以及能源效率监管等。IMO承诺会继续保护和维护海洋环境。

In the 50 years since the International Maritime Organization (IMO) adopted the MARPOL Convention on November 2, 1973, much has changed in the shipping industry, and today the MARPOL Convention covers marine pollution from oil, toxic liquid substances in bulk, hazardous substances in packaged form, ship sewage and ship garbage, ship air pollution, and energy efficiency regulation.IMO is also committed to continuing to protect and maintain the marine environment.
