IMarEST said COP26 underestimate the importance of sea in the climate crisis
发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2021-12-25 12:12:47 点击量: 2045 来源:KnowMi
IMarEST 在 COP26 之后表示,需要采取多学科方法来确保可持续的海洋、实现公正的能源转型和发展蓬勃发展的蓝色经济。尽管该研究所欢迎使海洋成为实现《联合国气候变化框架公约》目标的核心的举措,但它表示,海洋在应对气候危机方面的重要性仍然被低估。
IMarEST 操作海洋学专家组联合主席、FIMarEST 教授 Ralph Rayner 说:“虽然与前几年相比,COP26 确实看到了对海洋在帮助应对气候变化方面的作用的认可和集中行动,这还不够。一个健康且具有气候适应能力的海洋起着至关重要的作用。气候政策必须与更广泛的海洋保护和生物多样性恢复工作保持一致。
气候变化工作构成了IMarEST气候变化立场的一部分,该立场致力于探索和加深对气候变化影响的理解,并评估和制定支持气候变化减缓和适应的技术和政策解决方案。IMarEST 还通过其参与的一系列政府、非政府和行业机构(包括 IMO)发挥宣传作用。这项工作有助于为气候适应性海洋的交付以及海洋和海洋资源的可持续利用提供信息。
A multi-disciplinary approach is needed in the bid to ensure a sustainable ocean, deliver a just energy transition and develop a thriving blue economy says the IMarEST following COP26. While the Institute welcomed the moves to make the ocean more central to delivering the goals of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, it says that the importance of the ocean in responding to the climate crisis remains underestimated.
Professor Ralph Rayner, FIMarEST, Co-Chair of the IMarEST Operational Oceanography Specialist Group, says: “While it’s true that COP26 saw a level of recognition and focused action on the role the ocean plays in helping to combat climate change than in previous years, it is just not enough. A healthy and climate resilient ocean plays a fundamental role. Climate policy must be aligned with broader ocean conservation and biodiversity restoration efforts.
“To avert a climate change disaster, we need to better understand that ‘ocean action is climate action’. We need global partnerships that include wider society, governments, academia and industry and we need investment to effectively communicate the science and the impacts to every country.”
The Institute’s membership comprises scientists, engineers and technologists who are collaborating to support the development of marine renewable energy, alternative fuels and emission reduction in shipping, aquaculture and fisheries management, biofouling and ballast water management, reduction of ocean plastics and marine litter, and the recycling of marine structures, among many other areas beneficial to delivery of the UN sustainable development goals.
Work on climate change forms part of the IMarEST’s climate change position which sees it commit to explore and deepen understanding of the impacts of climate change and evaluate and devise technical and policy solutions supporting climate change mitigation and adaptation. The IMarEST also plays an advocacy role through a range of governmental, non-governmental and industry bodies with which it is involved, including the IMO. This work helps to inform delivery of a climate resilient ocean and the sustainable use of the ocean and ocean resources.