
IMarEST亚太地区对 IMarEST 认证的需求增加

Demand for IMarEST accreditation increases across APAC

发布者:KnowMi 发布时间: 2022-09-02 12:09:59 点击量: 1572 来源:IMarEST

江苏科技大学(JUST)和上海海事大学(SMU)是最新获得海洋工程科学与技术研究所(IMarEST)学位课程认证的大学。随着来自高等教育机构的大约 100 门学术课程以及一些全球认可的行业计划,对海洋工程课程获得研究所认证的需求持续增长。

JUST 和 SMU 加入了中国和更广泛的亚太地区越来越多的高等教育机构寻求 IMarEST 认证的课程,包括新加坡理工学院、大连海事大学(中国)、哈尔滨工程大学(中国)、宁波大学(中国)、中国海洋大学、IPB 大学(印度尼西亚)和 UniKL MIMET(马来西亚)。 

除了大学对认证的兴趣增加外,IMarEST 还发现,对研究所对有助于持续专业发展 (CPD) 的活动进行独立评估的需求也在增加,例如由整个公司提供的培训课程或活动海洋部门的。

亚太地区对 IMarEST 认证的需求增加

Jiangsu University of Science and Technology (JUST), and Shanghai Maritime University (SMU), are the latest universities to be granted accreditation for their degree courses by the Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology (IMarEST).  Demand for marine engineering courses to be accredited by the Institute continues to grow with around 100 academic courses from higher education institutions, as well a number of industry schemes accredited globally.

JUST and SMU join a growing number of higher education institutions within China and the wider APAC region that have sought IMarEST accreditation for their courses, including Singapore Institute of Technology, Dalian Maritime University (China), Harbin Engineering University (China), Ningbo University (China), the Ocean University of China, IPB University (Indonesia), and UniKL MIMET (Malaysia). 

In addition to increased interest from universities for accreditation, the IMarEST is also seeing an increase in demand for the Institute’s independent assessment of activities that contribute to continuing professional development (CPD), such as training courses or events being offered by companies from across the entirety of the marine sector.

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