叹为观止的海上石油平台 设计与建设

Skyscraper at Sea: Building the Amazing Appomattox

作者:Shell 课程时长:10分钟



如何设计和建造一个大型石油平台,可以在墨西哥湾的恶劣环境中使用 40 年。Appomattox这座令人惊叹的建筑花费了数千名工人数年的时间建造而成,高达 16 层,堪称海上摩天大楼。

Learn how a massive oil platform is designed and built to last 40 years in the harsh elements of the Gulf of Mexico. This amazing structure took thousands of workers years to construct and stands at an impressive sixteen stories in height, truly making it a skyscraper in the sea.
